Medical Challenge Case

Case: Speechless

S: Patient is a five-year-old male who had a previous history of headaches. This apparently was corrected by new eyeglasses. A few months later, he suffered from vertigo. This was followed by early-morning headaches, nausea, and vomiting. 

O: CT of the brain revealed dilation of the ventricles. MRI (below) revealed a tumor in the posterior fossa. The tumor was removed which was a round, walnut-sized mass which was somewhat difficult to remove. It was malignant.

A: What is your diagnosis of this patient?

P: What is your recommended plan of treatment?


FOOTNOTE: After the neurosurgery, the patient was unable to speak. It was discovered several weeks post-op that the patient was able to sing some of the words to the movie Shrek. His post-op MRI is below.



A: What is your diagnosis for this post-operative condition?

P: What would your recommended treatment plan be?