The following are some of the more common medical abbreviations you are likely to encounter:
@ - at
A & D - admission & discharge
A & P - anterior & posterior
ABG - arterial blood gas
ac - before meals
AD - right ear
ad lib - as desired
ADL - activities of daily living
AIDS - acquired immune deficiency syndrome
am - morning (before noon)
amal - amalgam
amb - ambulate
ant - anterior
AP - apical pulse
approx - approximately
aq - aqueous
ARC - AIDS-related complex
AS - left ear
as tol - as tolerated
ASA - aspirin
ASAP - as soon as possible
ASCVD - arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
ASHD - arteriosclerotic heart disease
AU - both ears
av - average
AV - atrioventricular
Ax - axilla. axillary
Ba - barium
bacti - bacteriology
B & B - bowel & bladder
BE - barium enema
bid - twice a day
bil - bilateral
Bl - blood
Bl Wk - blood work
BM - bowel movement
BMR - basal metabolic rate
BP - blood pressure
BR - bed rest
BRP - bathroom privileges
BS - blood sugar
bsc - bedside commode
BUN - blood urea nitrogen
bx - biopsy
ºC - degrees centigrade
Ca - calcium
CA - cancer
cal - calorie
Cal - kilocalorie
cap - capsule
CAT - computerized axial tomography
cath - catheter
CBC - complete blood count
CBR - complete bedrest
cc - cubic centimeter
CC - chief complaint
CCU - coronary care unit or critical care unit
CHD - coronary heart disease
CHF - congestive heart failure
CHO - carbohydrate
chol - cholesterol
CICU - cardiac intensive care unit/ CCU - cardiac care unit
ck - check
Cl - chloride
cl liq - clear liquids
cm - centimeter
CNS - central nervous system
c/o - complains of
CO - carbon monoxide or coronary occlusion
CO2 - carbon dioxide
cont - continued
COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CP - cerebral palsy
CPAP - continuous positive airway pressure
CPK - creatine phosphokinase
CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPT - current procedural terminology
CS - central supply
C & S - culture sensitivity
CSF - cerebrospinal fluid
CSR - central supply room
CT - computerized tomography
Cu - copper
CVA - cerebral vascular accident (stroke)
Cx - cervix, complications
d - day
D & C - dilation & curettage
DAT - diet as tolerated
dc - discharge or discontinued
del - delivery
Diff - differential white blood cell count
dil - dilute
DNR - do not resuscitate
DOA - dead on arrival
DOB - date of birth
DPT - diptheria, pertussis, tetanus
Dr - doctor
dr - dram or drainage
DRG - diagnostic related group
drg - dressing
D/S - dextrose in saline
DSD - dry sterile dressing
DT - delirium tremors
DW - distilled water
dx - diagnosis
ea - each
EEG - electroencephalogram
EENT - eye, ear, nose, throat
ECG/EKG - electrocardiogram
EMS - emergency medical service
ENT - ear, nose, and throat
ER - emergency room
ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate
etiol - etiology
ex - examination
exc - excision
esp - exploratory
ext - extraction or external
°F - degrees Fahrenheit
FBS - fasting blood sugar
FBW - fasting blood work
FC - Foley catheter
Fe - iron
FF - force fluids
fl - fluid
fx - fracture
ft - foot
CUO - fever of unknown origin
GA - gastric analysis
gal - gallon
GB - gallbladder
Gc - gonococcus, gonorrhea
GI - gastrointestinal
Gm/g - gram
gr - grain
gtts - drops
GTT - glucose tolerance test
GU - genitourinary
gyn - gynecology
H - hydrogen
H2O - water
H2O2 - hydrogen peroxide
HA - headache or hearing aid
HBV - hepatitis B virus
HCl - hydrochloric acid
hct - hematocrit
HDL - high density lipoprotein (good cholesterol)
Hg - mercury
Hb - hemoglobin
HIV - human immunodeficiency virus
HOB - head of bed
h/hr - hour
HS - bedtime
ht - height
hx - history
hypo - under or hypodermic injection
hyst - hysterectomy
I & D - incision & drainage
I & O - intake and output
IC - intracardiac
ICD - international classification of diseases
ICU - intensive care unit
IH - infectious hepatitis
IM - intramuscular
in - inch
inf - infusion or inferior
ing - inguinal
inj - injection
int - internal
IPPG - intermittent positive pressure breathing
irr - irrigation
isol - isolation
IUD - intrauterine device
IV - intravenous
IVP - intravenous pyelogram
jt - joint
K - potassium
KCl - potassium chloride
kg - kilogram
KUB - kidney, ureter, bladder x-ray
L - lumbar
L & D - labor and delivery
L & W - living and well
L - left
l - liter
lab - laboratory
lap - laparotomy
lat - lateral
lb - pound
LDH - lactose dehydrogenase
LDL - low density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol)
lg - large
liq - liquid
LLQ - lower left quadrant
LMP - last menstrual period
LOC - laxative of choice
LP - lumbar puncture
LS - lumbosacral
LUQ - left upper quadrant
m - minim
mat - maternity
mcg - microgram
med - medical
mEq - milliequivalent
mg - milligram
Mg - magnesium
MI - myocardial infarction (heart attack)
min - minute
ml - milliliter
mm - millimeter
MN - midnight
mod - moderate
MOM - milk of magnesia
MRI - magnetic resonance imagery
MS - multiple sclerosis or mitral stenosis
N - nitrogen
Na - sodium
NaCl - sodium chloride
NB - newborn
neg - negative
NG - nasogastric
nil - none
no - number
NO - nursing office
NPN - nonprotein nitrogen
NPO - nothing by mouth
N/S - normal saline
nsy - nursery
N/V - nausea and vomiting
NVS - neurological vital signs
O -oxygen
O & P - ova and parasites
Ob - obstetrics
od - overdose
OD - right eye
oint - ointment
OJ - orange juice
OOB - out of bed
OPD - outpatient department
opp - opposite
OR - operating room
orth - orthopedics
os - mouth
OS - left eye
OU - each eye
OV - office visit
oz - ounce
P -pulse or phosphorus
PAC - premature atrial contraction
PAP - Papanicolaou test (Pap smear)
path - pathology
Pb - lead
PBI - protein bound iodine
pc - after meals
PCA - patient controlled analgesia
PCP - patient care plan or primary care provider
PDR - physicians desk reference
PE - pulmonary edema
peds - pediatrics
per - by or through
PET - positron emission tomography
pH - power of hydrogen (measure of acidity or alkalinity)
pharm - pharmacy or pharmacology
PID - pelvic inflammatory disease
PKU - phenylketonuria
pm - after noon
PMC - postmortem care
PMS - premenstrual syndrome
PNS -peripheral nervous system
po - by mouth
PO - phone order
post - after or posterior
post-op - after an operation
PP - postpartum
pre - before
pre-op - before an operation
prn - as needed
psych - psychiatry or psychology
pt - patient or pint
PT - physical therapy
PTT - partial thromboplastin time
PVC - premature ventricular contraction
PVE - peripheral vascular disease
px - prognosis
q - every
qd - every day
qh - every hour
q2h - every two hours
qhs - every night at bedtime
qid - four times a day
qns - quantity not sufficient
qod - every other day
qs - quantity sufficient
qt - quart
R - respiratory or rectal
rt - right
Ra - radium
RBC - red blood cell or count
RDA - recommended daily allowance
REM -rapid eye movement
RHD - rheumatic heart disease
RLQ - right lower quadrant
R/O - rule out
ROM -range of motion
RR - recovery room
RUQ - right upper quadrant
Rx - prescription, take
S - sacral
S & A - sugar and acetone
w/o - without
SA - sino atrial
sc - subcutaneous
SGOT or SGPT - transaminase test
SICU - surgical intensive care unit
SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome
Sig - give the following directions
sm - small
SOB - short of breath
sol - solution
sos - if necessary
spec - specimen
sp gr - specific gravity
spt -spirits or liquor
SSE -soap solution enema
staph - staphylococcus infection
stat - immediately
STD - sexually transmitted disease
strep - streptococcus
sup -superior
supp - suppository
surg - surgery
susp - suspension
sx - sign or symptoms
syp - syrup
T & A - tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
T or Temp - temperature
tab - tablet
TB - tuberculosis
tbsp - tablespoon
TCDB - turn, cough, & deep breathe
TIA - transient ischemic attack
tid - three times a day
TLC - tender loving care
TO - telephone order
tol - tolerated
TPN - total parental nutrition
TPR - temperature, pulse, and respiration
tinct - tincture
tsp - teaspoon
TUR - transurethral resection
TWE - tap water enema
tx - traction, treatment, or transplant
UA - urinalysis
ung - ointment
ur - urine
URI - upper respiratory infection
UTI - urinary tract infection
UV - ultraviolet
vag - vaginal
VD - venereal disease
VDRL - serology for syphyllis
VO - verbal order
vol - volume
VS - vital signs
WBC - white blood cells or count
w/c - wheelchair
W/P - whirlpool
wt - weight
x - times
x-match - cross match
XR - x-=ray
Zn - zinc
Word Parts
The following are prefixes, suffixes, and word roots and their definitions commonly encountered:
a-, an-: without, not
ab-: from, away
-able-: capable of
-ac, -ic: pertaining to
acr-, acro-: extremities
ad-: to, towards
aden-, adeno-: gland, glandular
aer-, aero-: air
-al: like, similar
alges-, algesi-: oversensitivity to pain
-algia: pain
ambi-: both (ambidextrous)
an-, ano-: anus
angi-, angio-: vessel
ankyl-: crooked, immovable
ante-: before
antero-: in front of (anterior)
anti-: against
append-, appendo-: appendix
arter-, aterio-: artery
arthr-, arthro-: joint
-ase: enzyme
-asis: condition of
-asthenia: weakness
ather-, athero-: fatty, lipid
audi-, audio-: sound, hearing
aur-: ear
auto-: self
bi-, bis-: twice, double
bio-: life
-blast: germ cell, embryonic cell
blephar-, blepharo-: eyelid
brachi-: arm
brachy-: short
brady-: slow
bronch-, bronchi-: air tubes in the lungs
bucc-, bucca-: cheek
calc-, calculus-: stone
carcin-, carcino-: cancer, alignancy
carp--, carpo-: wrist
-cele: swelling, tumor, cavity or hernia
cent-, centi-: one hundred
-centesis: surgical puncture to remove fluid (pericardiocentesis)
cephal-, cephalo-: head
cerebro-: brain
cerv-, cervic-: neck; neck of cervix
cheil-, cheilo-: lip
chem-, chemo-: drug, chemical
chir-, chiro-: hand
chlor-, chloro-: green
chol-, chole-, cholo-: bile or gall; gallbladder
chondi-, chondr-, chondri-: cartilage
chrom-, chromo-: color
-cide: causing death
circum-: around; about
-cise: cut
-clysis: washing or irrigation
-coccus: round
coele-: chamber, enlarged space
col-, colo-: colon, bowel, large intestine
colp-, colpo-: vagina
con-, co-: with, together
contra-: against, counter
costa-, costo-: rib
crani- cranio-: pertaining to the skull
cryo-: cold
crypt-: hidden
cut-: skin
cyan-, cyano: blue
cyst-, systo-, cysti-: bladder, bag, sac
-cyte, cyt- cyto-: cell
dacry-: tear duct, tear
dactyl- dactylo-: finger
dec-, deca-, deci-: ten
demi-: half
dent-, dento-: tooth
derm-, derma-, dermo-, dermat-: pertaining to skin
-desis: surgical union or fixation
dextro-: to the right
di-, diplo-: double, twice
dia-: through, between, part
dis-, disto-: separation
dorsi-, dorso: to the back
duaden-, duodeno-: duodenum
-dynia, -dynic: pain
dys-: difficult, painful, bad
e-, ec-: without
-eal: pertaining to
ec-, ecto-: outside, external
-ectasis: expansion, dilation, stretching
-ectomy: surgical removal of, excision (appendectomy)
electr-, electro-: electrical
-emesis: vomit
-emia: blood
encephal-, encephalo-: brain
endo-: within
enter-, entero-: intestine
epi-: upon, over, upper (epigastric)
erythro-: red
-esis: condition of
-esthesia, aethesio-: sensation, perception, feel
eu-: well, easy
ex-, exo-: outside of
-fascia: fibrous band
-ferous: producing
fibr-, fibro-: fiber, fibrous, connective tissue
fore-: in front of
-form: having the form of, shape
-fuge: expelling, driving away
galacto-: milk
gasti-, gastr- gastro-: stomach
-genesis: development, production, creation
-genetic, genic: origin, producing, causing
genito-: reproductive organs
-genous: kind or type
geront-, geronto-: elderly
gingiv-: gums
gloss-, glosso: tongue
gluc-, gluco-: sweetness, sugar
gly-, glyco-: sugar
-gram: tracing, record
-graph: instrument for recording
gyn-, gynec-, gyno-: women, female
hem-, hema-, hemo-, hemato: blood
hemi-: half
hepato-: liver
herni-: rupture
hetero-: other, unlike, different
hist-, histo-: tissue
homo-, homeo-: same, like
hydro-: water
hyper-: excessive, high, over, increased
hypno-: sleep
hypo-: decreased, deficient, low, under (hypothermia)
hyster-, hystero-: uterus
-ia, -iasis: abnormal or pathological state
-ic, -ac: pertaining to
idio-: peculiar, self-originating
ile-, ileo-: ilium
infra-: beneath, below
inter-: between or among (intercostal)
intra-: within, inside
-ism: condition, theory
iso-: equal, same, alike
-itis: inflammation (peritonitis)
kerat-, kerato-: cornea of the eye
-kinesis, kinetic-: motion
labi-, labia-, labio-: lip
lacrima-: tears
lact-, lacto: milk
lapar-, laparo-: abdomen
layng-, laryngo-: larynx
latero-: side
-lepsy: seizure, convulsion
leuco-, leuko-: white
lingua-, linguo-: tongue
lip-, lipo-: fat
lith-, litho-: stone, calculus
-logy, ology-: study of, science of
lympth-, lympho-: lymph tissue
-lysis, -lys, -lyso: destruction, dissolving of
macro-: large
mal-: bad, abnormal, disordered
malac-, malacia: softening of a tissue
mamm-, mammo-: breast, mammary gland
-mania: insanity, mental disorder
mast-, masto-: breast
med-, medi-: middle, midline
-megaly, mega-, megalo-: large, enlarged
melan-, melano-: black
mening-, meningo: membranes covering the CNS
meno-: monthly, menstruation
mes-, meso-: middle, midline
-meter: measure (thermometer)
-metry: measurement
micro-: small
mono-: one, single
-morten: death
muc-, muco-: mucous
multi-: many
my-, myo-: muscle
myc-, myco-: fungus
myel-, myelo-: bone marrow, spinal cord
myring-, myringo-: eardrum, tympanic membrane
narc-, narco-: sleep, numb, stupor
nas-, naso-: nose
-natal: birth
necr-, necro-: death
neo-: new
neph-, nephr-, nephro-: kidney
neur-, neuro-: nerve or nervous system
noct-, nocti: night
non-: no, none
ocul-, oculo-: eye
-ode, -oid: form, shape
odont-, odonto-: tooth
olig-, oligo-: few, small
-ologist: person who studies
-ology: study or science of
-oma: tumor, swelling
onco-: mass, tumor
oophor-, oophoro-: ovary, female egg cell
opthalm-, opthalmo-: eye
or-, oro-: mouth
orch-, orchido-: testicle, testes
-orrhea, -rrhea: flow, discharge
orth-, ortho-: normal, straight
os-, osteo-, oste-: bone
-oscopy: diagnostic examination
-osis: condition, state
oste-: bone
-ostomy: creation of opening by surgery
-ous: full of, pertaining to
ovi-, ovario-: egg, ovary, female sex gland
pan-: all, complete, entire
pancreat-, pancreato-: pancreas
para-: near, beside, lower half of body
-paresis: paralysis (hemiparesis)
-partum: birth, labor
path-, patho-, -pathy, -pathia: disease, abnormal condition
ped-, pedia-: child
-penia: lack of, deficiency
pent-, penta-: five
-pepsia, -pepsis: digestion
per-: through, excessive
peri-: around
-pexy: fixation
phag-, phago-: eat, ingest
-phage, -phagia: to eat, swallow, consume
pharyng, -pharyngo: pharynx, throat
-phas, -phasia, -phaso: speech
-phil, -philia, -philic: attraction to
phleb-, phlebo-: vein
-phobia: fear
phon-, phono-: sound, voice
-phylaxis: protection, preventative
-plasty: surgical correction or repair
-plegia: paralysis
-pleuro: side or rib
-pnea: breathing
pneum-, pneumo-: lung, air
pod-, podo-: foot
poly-: many
post-: after, behind (postnatal)
pre-: before, in front of (preoperative)
pro-: forward
proct-, procto-: rectum, rectal, anus
psora-: itch
pseudo-: false
psych-, psycho-: pertaining to the mind
-ptosis: drooping, sagging
pulmo-, pulmono-: lung
py-, pyo-: pus
pyel-, pyelo-: renal pelvis
pyr-, pyro: heat, fever
quad-, quadri: consisting of four
radi, radio: x-rays, radiation
re-: back, again
rect-, recto: rectum
ren-, reno-: kidney
retro-: backward, behind
rhin-, rhino-: nose
-rraphy: suture of
-rrhegia: sudden or excessive flow
-rrhea: flow, discharge
-rrhexis: rupture of
salpingo-: tube, fallopian tube
sanguin-, sanguino-: blood
sarc-, sarco-: malignant connective tissue
-sarcoma: tumor, cancer
scler-, sclero-: hardening
-sclerosis: dryness or hardness
-scope, -scopy: examining instrument, visual examination (bronchoscopy)
-sect: cut
semi-: half, part
sep-, septi-: poison, infection
sinstr-, sinistro: left
soma-, somat-: body
somnni-, somno-: sleep
son-, sono-: sound
-spasm: involuntary contraction
sperm-, spermato-: male germ (sex) cell
splen-, spleno-: spleen
-stasis: stoppage, maintain a constant level
steno-: contracted, narrow
stoma-, stomat-: mouth
stomy: artificial opening
sub-: less, below
super-, supra-: above, over, higher
sym-syn-: joined or fused together
tacho-, tachy-: rapid, fast
tendo-, teno-: tendon
tetra-: four
-theapy: treatment
therm-, thermo-, thermy-: heat
thorac-, thoraco-: thorax, chest
thromb-, thrombo-: clot
thym-, thymo-: thymus gland
thyr-, thyro-: thyroid gland
-tome: cutting instrument
-tox, -toxic: poison
trache-, trachi-, tracho-: trachea, windpipe
trans-: across, over
tri-: three
trich-, tricho-: hair
-trips, -tripsy: crushing by rubbing or grinding
-trophy: nutrition, growth or development
tympan-, tympano-: eardrum
ultra-: beyond, excess
uni-: one
ur-, uro-: urine
ureter-, uretero-: ureter
urethr, urethro: urethra
-uria: urine
uter-, utero-: uterus, womb
vas-, vaso-: vessel, duct
ven-, vena: vein
ventro-: front, abdomen
vertebr-, vertebro-: spine, vertebrae
vesic-, vesico-: urinary bladder
viscer-, viscero-: internal organs
vit-, vita-: necessary for life
xanth-, xantho: yellow
zoo-: animal
Review Questions:
Define the following terms:
- What is lithotripsy?
- What is encephalomalcia?
- What is homeostasis?
- What is pseudoarthrosis?
- What is spinal stenosis?
Interpret the following prescriptions:
1. Quinine 50 cc
Sig: 5 gtts qid po w. H2O pc
2. Hydrocodone 7.5mg/500 mg ASA
Disp # 90
Sig: 1 tab q 6h prn pain
3. Lab: FBS, CBC plus Fe
sed rate, 5h GTT
SGOT, Hb, tot chol, LDL, HDL
4. lower GI BE NPO post-midnight
5. ICDM dx: HIV pos